How to fix vacuum cleaner suction loss

Most frequent causes for vacuum cleaner suction loss

The vacuum cleaner is powered by a motor which generates the suction power. If you notice a loss in suction check the items in the list (the parts listed are ordered from most likely to least likely to occur).

  1.  Air filter: air filter traps the particles in the air when it passes over the vacuum cleaner. If the filter is clogged then it will reduce the suction power. If it is clogged refer to the user manual for cleaning instructions
  2. Exhaust filter. If it is clogged refer to the user manual for cleaning instructions
  3. Vacuum hose:  stretch out the hose and check by using light if it has been clogged or obstructed.
  4. Vacuum bag: Clean or replace the bag.
  5. Blower wheel: Try turning the wheel by hand. In case the blower wheel does not turn freely, check the wheel for obstructions. If there are no obstructions, the blower motor, is likely at fault.

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